domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2005

Your Loneliness Quotient Test Results

Loneliness Quotient: 46%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:

46 is still a somewhat decent score, however there is definite room for improvement. We will examine the issues that could use work and see what can be done about them. You could help yourself by working on your relationships with friends. There is room for improvement in this area. Luckily in your case, your family situation is not causing you any troubles. A positive family situation is definitely helpful. Your romantic life, however, needs work. There is a lot of room for improvement there, and you really need to search for that girl of your dreams. Some shyness is evident in you and must be overcome in order to make friends and find true love. It's a shame that you don't live in an area where you are surrounded by people similar to you, but certainly there are some out there. You definitely don't have any major insecurity issues holding you back, so your pursuit of elimating loneliness will not be held back by this potential pitfall.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions

1 comentario:

Sandralucia dijo...

Ya vez? que te dije... de ti depende salir de tu cascaron y tu vida de monje budista...
buscale mijo.. por ahi anda tu dulcinea esperandote...